Parent Gateway
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Welcome to Parent Gateway

Parent Gateway allows you to view important information held on the school database about your son/daughter, using a secure internet connection.

The information available includes name, date of birth, medical details, attendance data, timetable, merits, detentions and printable copies of school reports.

As a parent, you are able to register to access this secure service. Once registered, you will also be able to see the records of any of your other children who may be in a different year group at STRS.
Spark - Parent Gateway

Login to Your Account

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Forgot Password?

Please check your email for the verification code.
It may take up to 5 minutes to arrive.

Please check your 'junk', 'spam', 'other' or 'marketing' folders if you cannot find it.

Who do you wish to proceed as?
You are currently offline, so you cannot login.
Install the Parent Gateway App
Prefer to use Parent Gateway as an app? Click the icon to get started:  Install

New Account/Forgotten Password?
Enter your email address above, click continue and pick the relevant option.

Problems Logging In?
If you have any problems or any queries about the system works, please email [email protected].

STRS Student?
Click here to switch to the student version.

Sorry, we don't support Internet Explorer

Our website has detected that you are using an outdated browser that doesn't support the necessary levels of security or technology to continue.

We recommend that you switch to one of the following browsers in order to proceed, or use a different device to access Parent Gateway.

Microsoft Edge
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox

If you want more information about this message, or on how to switch your browser, please email [email protected].